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Sanviatul Khaasa – F.A

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Sanviatul Khaasa – Equivalent  F.A/Fsc

Sanviatul Khaasa is the second level in Dars-e-Nizami course. As an intermediate level course, Sanviatul Khaasa includes introduction to all intermediate disciplines of Islamic Studies including Quran Translation/Tafseer, Mustalah al Hadith , Fiqh al Islami and Usool e Fiqh, Arabic Language and History, Aqeedah, Islamic History and Arabic Grammar. All of these are necessary for any muslim to understand his religion and the Book of Allah at the intermediate level. 

Who is it For? 

The Dars-e-Nizami Course offered by Imam Tirmidhi Institute is specially designed for Working Individuals, Professionals, University Students and Housewives. Moreover, the classes are open for everyone including Males and Females. 


There is no requirement for attending classes at Imam Tirmidhi Institute. Everyone is welcome including, men, women and children. The requirement for appearing in the exam of Wifaq ul Madaris is that you should have completed Sanviatul Aama. 

Exemption from Elective Courses

To get equivalence to  F.A/Fsc from Federal Board, you need to take two elective courses out of five in Sanviatul Khaasa. If you have already completed  F.A/Fsc, you can attach your transcript and certificate of matriculation to get exemption from elective courses. In the application form of Sanviatul Khaasa, select two of the high scoring subjects and the marks will be taken from your  F.A/Fsc transcript/marksheet. 

Teachers’ Profile

All courses at Imam Tirmidhi Institute are taught by experienced teachers and Ulama to make sure that you get maximum benefit from the curriculum. 

Study at Your Own Pace! 

The Dars-e-Nizami course designed for professionals and university students offers the opportunity for you to learn at your own pace. You can give all of the exams of a program together in one semester and complete the course in 4-6 months. On the contrary, you can divide the number of exams into two or more semesters and complete the course in upto 2 years. 

Compulsory Courses in Sanviatul Khaasa


Quran Translation/Tafseer

What you'll learn
Translation, Tafseer and Grammar of Surah Maryam till Surah An-Nas

Hadith and Mustalah al Hadith

What you'll learn
Translation, Aa’raab and Sharah & Definitions of Hadiths


What you'll learn
Concepts and their supportive evidence from Quran & Hadith

Arabic Grammar 2

What you'll learn
Knowing the Advanced Rules of Arabic Language

Arabic Language and History

What you'll learn
Learning Arabic language and their History

Islamic History

What you'll learn
Seerah and history of Khilafat-E-Rashida

Elective Courses in Sanviatul Khaasa (Only Two Required)


English (Optional)

What you'll learn
English speaking, reading, listening and writing skills

Pakistan Studies (Optional)

What you'll learn
Pakistan Studies as per the syllabus of Punjab Board textbook


What you'll learn
Citizenship syllabus as per Punjab Board

Economics (Optional)

What you'll learn
Economics as per the syllabus of Punjab Board

Computer Science (Optional)

What you'll learn
Computer Science as per Punjab Board syllabus

Why Study This Course?

tarjuma al quran al kareem

Tarjuma e Quran

"Do they not then reflect on the Quran? Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would have certainly found in it many inconsistencies."(4:82)

Start understanding the Words of Allah, the last miracle sent as a mercy for mankind till the Day of Judgment. 
Understand the words of wisdom, a guiding light. Build your relationship with the Quran by understanding the base meaning of the verses. 

The subject of Surah Maryam till Surah An-Nas mainly includes Tauheed, Belief in the Day of Judgement and stories of older people who disrespected and disbelieved the Prophets. 

Hadith, Usool e Hadith & Seerat e Nabawi (SAW)

Its easy to drive a whole different meaning from someones words, just like haters of Islam misinterpret the Words of Allah.

Learn the science of examining hadith and its context, in order to have a better understanding of the words of the Prophet SAW.

Start your journey in unraveling the features of hadith and how its transmitted to us.

hadith aur usool e hadith


"Has the time not yet come for believers’ hearts to be humbled at the remembrance of Allah and what has been revealed of the truth, and not be like those given the Scripture before—˹those˺ who were spoiled for so long that their hearts became hardened. And many of them are ˹still˺ rebellious." (57:16)

"Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection." (Sahih-AL-Bukhari Hadith 50)

Aqeedah refers to the matters which are known from the Quran and sound Hadith, that forms the basis of your belief in the heart.

Arabic Grammar and Language

In order to understand Quran and Hadith, it is extremely important to learn about the language of the Quran. 

Minute variations in a'rab (pronunciation) of the Quran can drastically change the meaning of the Quran and cause a Haram mistake

Do we want to stay in oblivion and keep making mistakes without knowing the extent of its effect? 

al nahaw wa as sarf

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Last Date to Submit Admissions for Upcoming Exams in July 2024

The upcoming exams of Sanviatul Aama and Sanviatul Khaasa will …


Upcoming Exams of Sanviatul Aama and Khaasa

The exams of sanviatul aama and sanviatul khaasa take place …