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Why professionals must join Dars-e-Nizami classes at ITI?


Why professionals must join Dars-e-Nizami classes at ITI?

The Dars-e-Nizami course at Imam Tirmidhi Institute has been specifically designed for professional and working individuals. The weekend classes and flexible duration program are designed to enable the busy individuals to learn more about the beautiful deen of Islam and try to understand the true message of Book of Allah.

5 Reasons why you should join classes at Imam Tirmidhi Institute!

Here are the five main reasons that impel you to join the classes of Islamic Education at Imam Tirmidhi Institute.

1. Learn the language of the Quran

The Arabic Grammar course in Sanviatul Aama provides a basic introduction to the magnificent language of the Quran which is essential for all Muslims. An introductory level course in arabic grammar is necessary not only for understanding the meaning of Quran but also for mere Reading.

Why is grammar necessary for reading Quran?

Arabic grammar helps us to realize how a small change in A’rab (vowels) of the Quran can change the meaning drastically. An example has been given below to show the graveness of a small mistake.

2. Learn about the Authentic Aqeedah of Tauheed

The simple course of Aqeedah in Sanvia Aama course aims to strengthen the concept of Tauheed by explaining the main types of Shirk with examples. Here, you will learn how small rituals and beliefs that are prevalent in our culture constitute a type of Shirk.

الَّلهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ أَنْ أُشْرِكَ بِكَ وأَنا أَعلَمُ وأَستَغفِرُكَ لما لا أَعلَمُ

3. Evening Classes on Weekend

The Class Timings of the course are from Maghreb to Isha only three days of the week, Friday to Sunday. The evening time enables you to join the class after you are done with your office or university classes on Friday or Saturday.

Moreover, the classes take place only three days a week so that it does not become burdensome for your busy schedule.

4. Flexible Program

Imam Tirmidhi Institute is affiliated with Wifaq-ul-Madaris which takes exams twice a year. The “Salana” (annual) exams take place in Sha’ban while the “Zimni” (supplementary) exams take place in Zulhijjah each year.

You can give papers in either of the exams. Moreover, you can give some exams in Salana and give the rest of the subjects in Zimni.

It means that you can attend all of the classes while take exams at your own pace, as your busy schedule allows.

Sign up now!

Fill out a simple form to register for the course!

If you have any question regarding the process or classes, please feel free to ask below.

Check out the details of the courses and majors of Islamic Education being offered at Imam Tirmidhi Institute here.